Like water that seeps into every crevice and find new ways to satisfy his nature I decided after some googling to build a web video controlled rover.
I built something similar some time ago. It was a little rower with three wheels and was the terrestial father of the TZagi plane that I described in the post "Confession of an FPV pilot".
I modified two model servos for continuos rotation and I added a surveillance camera with a 2,4 GHz trasmitter. I linked the video reciver to the TV in my living room and I drow the rover that was in my garden with an old two channel model transmitter.
I never saw my garden from that point of view. It was a new place. A little planet full of mysteries. There were huge monsters like cats, hens and hedgehog. It was a videogame with which I could lose myself for hours. It was 1997 and I followed with passion the events about Mars Pathfinder project. In those days was born my wish to build a little personal rover.
I got some parts from my planes and I stole a plastic tray from the kitchen to have a board where place a bunch of components that allow me to develop the software.
The rover has:
This is the project diagram:
In the next post I'm going to describe the software.
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